Official Procedure Last Change October 31, 2016
Trustee 341 Meeting Minutes - Initial Report
General Information
- The filer MUST be logged on as Trustee.
- The report of 341 meeting being held may be docketed on CM/ECF two different ways (see instructions below).
- There are no attachments allowed for these filings - they are docketed as a virtual document.
Step-by-Step Instructions
To file according to 341 Hearing Date:
1. Log into CM/ECF.
2. Select Bankruptcy > Trustee’s 341 Filings.
3. Enter the date of 341 meeting and click Next.
4. In the grid that appears, select the appropriate radio button for each case. If more fields appear as you click on a radio button, fill in the required information. When done, click Submit.
Note: The Notice of Electronic Filing displays giving you the document number. Copies of this notice are immediately e-mailed to all participants who receive electronic notification in the case.
To Batch File:
1. Log into CM/ECF.
2. Select Bankruptcy > Trustee's Batch Filings.
2. Enter case numbers (in the format xx-xxxxx). When all have been entered, click Next.
Note: Cases can only be entered that are going to use the same event, and therefore will have the same docket text.
3. Select the event to be docketed to all cases input in step 2. Which events can be batch filed?
4. Click Next.
5. Select the Party and click Next.
Note: If your name does not appear on this screen, it indicates that you are not the assigned Trustee on one or more of the cases listed above. Click the Back button on your browser to edit list of cases and go back to Step 3 above.
6. Verify the final docket text. This is the text that will used for all the case numbers you entered. If correct, click Next.
7. Click the Next button when that button appears (even if the Processing {case number}... message is still visible)
8. The results of docketing are displayed.