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Attorney Info

This section of the website provides information such as approved credit counseling and financial management agencies, approved notice providers, policies and procedures manual, Pro Bono Panel Volunteer registration, listing of governmental units and their addresses, HHS Poverty Guidelines, and Means Testing information.


Attention Attorneys and Debtors:  The court issued notice on November 2, 2015, of a scam aimed at debtors that involved spoofing of their attorney's office telephone number.  You can read that notice here.  A variant of that scam has emerged where the caller purports to be a creditor who was not listed and/or claims to have been excepted from discharge, and proposes prompt payment in a reduced amount (so long as the debtor does not suggest the need to discuss with counsel).  Attorneys who represent debtors may wish to warn them of this latest version of the scam.   Information about such contacts with debtors can be brought to the attention of the United States Trustee.