Individuals can file bankruptcy without an attorney, which is called filing pro se. However, seeking the advice of a qualified attorney is strongly recommended since bankruptcy has long-term financial and legal outcomes. Corporations and partnerships must have an attorney to file a bankruptcy case. This section of the website provides information such as bankruptcy basics, forms, requirements, advice and services, and more.
Note: The Clerk's Office cannot help you complete forms and can only provide general information and possible resources. Only an attorney can provide legal advice.
Note: During the course of a bankruptcy case, bankruptcy court notices are mailed by the Bankruptcy Noticing Center (BNC) on behalf of the court. The BNC, which is operated by a private contractor, provides notice production and mailing services for the court, but the BNC is not the court. Do not send documents to the BNC. Documents related to a bankruptcy case should be sent directly to the Clerk's office.
Note: Information located on the "Debtor Info-" section of the website may also apply to you.
Attention Attorneys and Debtors: The court issued notice on November 2, 2015, of a scam aimed at debtors that involved spoofing of their attorney's office telephone number. You can read that notice here. Clerk staff are aware of a variant of that scam. The caller purports to be a creditor who was not listed and/or claims to have been excepted from discharge, and proposes prompt payment in a reduced amount (so long as the debtor does not suggest the need to discuss with counsel). Attorneys who represent debtors may wish to warn their clients of this version of the scam. Information about such contacts with debtors can be brought to the attention of the United States Trustee.