Bankruptcy Court
The judges of the Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Indiana have created a Pro Bono Panel as a resource to assist parties involved in bankruptcy matters when: (1) a pro se party is involved in a bankruptcy matter; (2) the party cannot afford legal representation; and/or (3) the judge determines that it is in the best interest of the bankruptcy system to involve a volunteer attorney to assist the party in addressing and resolving the matter. Attorneys who are admitted to practice in the Southern District of Indiana are eligible to serve on the Bankruptcy Court’s Pro Bono Panel. Registration forms for the panels are available:
Bankruptcy Pro Bono Panel Volunteer Registration Form
Chapter 13 Pro Se Panel Volunteer Attorney Registration Form
District Court
Local Rule 87 of the District Court for the Southern District of Indiana provides that all attorneys who appear in that court four or more times during the previous calendar year are eligible for selection to the District Court’s Obligatory Panel. An attorney on the Obligatory Panel can only be selected once a calendar year to represent an indigent litigant. (More information on the District Court’s pro bono programs can be found here). Registration for and handling of a matter through the Bankruptcy Court’s pro bono program may satisfy the District Court’s Obligatory Panel requirement. For details contact one of the Court’s Pro Bono Coordinators.