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Create Installment Fee Payment

Create Installment Fee Payment

General Information

  • This event allows an attorney to create an installment fee in ECF
  • Installment fees can be created on cases where an Application to Pay Filing Fee in Installments has been granted and when an Application to Waive a Chapter 7 Filing Fee has been granted as to installment payments.
  • The fee must be paid via and if not paid by the end of the business day, the ECF account will be locked.


Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Select Bankruptcy > Miscellaneous

2. Enter case number (in the format xx-xxxxx) and click Next.

3. Select Installment Fee Payments from the event list and click Next.

4. Check box if jointly filing with another attorney. Click Next.

5. If you indicated that you are filing jointly with other attorney(s), select additional attorney(s) and click Next.

Note: You cannot add attorneys. Only attorneys who have previously entered an appearance will be available for selection.

6. Select the party filer. If the party is not listed, or cannot be selected, view instructions on adding a new party. Click Next.

Note: The "Attorney/Party Association” screen may appear. If your party selection was correct, check the box to create an association and click Next.

7. Enter the amount being paid today and click Next.

8. Final docket text is displayed. Click Next.

9. Verify final docket text. If correct, click Next to submit.

Note: The Notice of Electronic Filing displays giving you the document number. Copies of this notice are immediately e-mailed to all participants who receive electronic notification in the case. The fee due can now be paid along with any other unpaid filing fees in the usual way.

10. Pay the filing fee via