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(a)   Schedule of Post-Petition Debts

The schedule of post-petition debts required by Fed.R.Bankr.P. 1019(e) shall comply with the requirements of S.D.Ind. B-1007-1(a).

(b)   Distribution of Notice of Bar Dates and Meeting of Creditors; Certificate of Service

The Debtor shall distribute to added creditors the following, and shall file a Certificate of Service:

(1)     a notice providing 21 days for the filing of a motion for payment of an administrative expense and, unless a notice of insufficient assets to pay a dividend has been mailed under Fed.R.Bankr.P. 2002(e), the time for filing a claim of a kind specified in 11 U.S.C. §348(d). A form notice is available on the Court’s website; and

(2)     a copy of the notice of the Meeting of Creditors under the new chapter with the Debtor’s full SSN or ITIN, unless the schedule of post-petition debts was filed and creditors were added before issuance of the notice of the Meeting of Creditors under the new chapter.

(c)   No Delay of First Meeting

Failure of the trustee or the Debtor to comply with Fed.R.Bankr.P. 1019 shall not delay the issuance of the notice of the Meeting of Creditors.

(d)   Waiver of Conversion Fee for Chapter 13 Trustees

The conversion fee is waived for a motion to convert filed by a Chapter 13 Trustee.