(a) Obtaining Service of Pleadings and/or Notices
Parties or their counsel who wish to receive copies of pleadings and documents – other than proofs of claim – shall file with the Clerk and serve the Debtor with an appearance in compliance with S.D. Ind. B-9010-1. A “Request for Notice” or similar pleading will be considered a request under Fed.R.Bankr.P. 2002(g) and will not entitle the filer to service of pleadings or of notices other than those to which the filer is already entitled.
(b) Notices Prepared and Distributed by Parties
A notice prepared and distributed by a party shall:
(1) be signed by the party, not the Clerk or the Judge, unless its form has been approved by the Court;
(2) instruct recipients to file pleadings with the Bankruptcy Clerk and provide the correct address of the division of the Bankruptcy Clerk’s Office where pleadings should be delivered; and
(3) be docketed separately unless included in another pleading.
(c) Notices in Chapter 11 Cases in Which A Committee Has Been Appointed
Under Fed.R.Bankr.P. 2002(i) and unless otherwise ordered by the Court, the notices required by Fed.R.Bankr.P. 2002(a)(2)(excluding those related to the sale of substantially all of a debtor’s assets), (3), and (6) may by served only on the Service List.
(d) Limited Notice in a Voluntary Case
In a voluntary Chapter 7, 12 or 13 case, 70 days following entry of the order for relief or the date of the order converting the case to Chapter 12 or 13, all notices required by Fed.R.Bankr.P. 2002(a), except the notice of the final report and of dismissal or denial of discharge, shall be mailed only to the Debtor, the trustee, the UST, creditors who have filed claims, and creditors who are still permitted to file claims by reason of an extension granted under Fed.R.Bankr.P. 3002(c). In a Chapter 7 case where notice of insufficient assets to pay a dividend was given, notice can be limited pursuant to this subparagraph 90 days following the mailing of the notice setting a claims bar date.
(e) Limited Notice in an Involuntary Case
In an involuntary Chapter 7 case, after 90 days following entry of the order for relief, all notices required by Fed.R.Bankr.P. 2002(a) shall be mailed only to the Debtor, the trustee, the UST, creditors who have filed claims, and creditors who are still permitted to file claims by reason of an extension granted under Fed.R.Bankr.P. 3002(c).
(f) Authorization for Chapter 13 Trustee to Recover Noticing Costs from Estate
If the Chapter 13 Trustee uses an independent contractor for noticing, the trustee may recover the actual costs of noticing charged by that contractor from each estate. If noticing is performed by the trustee, the trustee may recover from each estate the actual costs of postage plus $.18 for each notice or as otherwise ordered by the Court. These noticing fees can be recovered from the first and any subsequent funds received from the Debtor, whether before or after confirmation. The Chapter 13 Trustee shall list expenses charged for noticing in each case and separately identify the notices sent in the final report.
(g) Notice of Final Report with Notice of Applications for Compensation
In Chapter 7 cases in which the amount of net proceeds realized exceeds the amount set forth in Fed.R.Bankr.P. 2002(f)(1)(I), or the amount of an application for compensation exceeds the amount set forth in Fed.R.Bankr.P. 2002(a)(6), the Chapter 7 trustee shall send a 21-day Objection Notice of the trustee’s final report and of the applications for compensation and reimbursement of expenses. Trustee shall file a copy of the notice and Certificate of Service.
(h) Returned and Undeliverable Mail
(1) Designation of the Debtor as Return Addressee
The Debtor is designated as the return addressee for orders and notices distributed by the Bankruptcy Noticing Center (“BNC”).
(2) Duty to Provide Accurate Address
The Debtor shall file a notice of change of address for a creditor or party in interest whose address may not be accurate based either on the Debtor’s receipt of returned mail or information received from the BNC. In addition, the Debtor shall distribute the documents required by S.D.Ind. B-1009-1(b)(2) to a creditor with a revised address. If the Debtor is unable to determine a correct address for a creditor or party in interest, the Debtor may file a Notice of Address Unavailability specifying the creditor’s name and reporting that a correct address cannot be located.
(3) Returned Mail Received by the Clerk, Inaccurate Addresses Identified by Clerk’s Noticing Agent, and Duty to Correct
The Clerk shall docket a returned notice of the Meeting of Creditors, unless the Court orders otherwise. The Debtor shall file a notice of change of address for such a creditor, if the correct address can be identified, shall distribute the documents required by S.D.Ind. B-1009-1(b) to a creditor with a revised address, and shall file a Certificate of Service. All other returned mail received by the Clerk shall be discarded.