If the trustee or the Debtor files a Notice of Final Cure Payment under Fed.R.Bankr.P. 3002.1(f), a creditor shall file a Response to a Notice of Final Cure Payment that substantially complies with Directors’ Bankruptcy Form 4100R. A Response to a Notice of Final Cure Payment shall include a copy of the payoff statement as defined by 12 C.F.R. §1026.36(c)(3) and provide, as an attachment, the following information, as of the date of the response:
(a) date last payment received on the mortgage;
(b) date next post-petition payment due;
(c) amount of the next post-petition payment;
(d) unpaid principal of the loan;
(e) additional amounts due for any deferred or accrued interest;
(f) balance of the escrow account; and
(g) balance of unapplied funds or funds held in a suspense account.