Official Procedure Last Change June 3, 2022
Transfer of Claim
How to file: Location of event: Bankruptcy > Claims > Claim Events > Transfer of Claim Things to be aware of when filing: The Transfer of Claim document may only be one page long. Any additional documents filed with the transfer must be uploaded separately by selecting the Yes radio button for Attachments to Documents. |
These instructions are for attorneys only. See separate procedure for instructions for limited users.
General Information
- If a claim has been transferred other than for security after the Proof of Claim has been filed, evidence of the transfer must be filed with the Court.
- The Court will issue a notice to the transferor (the original holder of the claim) giving them opportunity to object to the transfer.
- The Transfer of Claim must be a single page only and must be the main document.
Filing Requirements
- A Transfer of Claim filing fee is due for each transfer filed.
- Transfer of Claim should be filed using Official Form B2100A. Do not include an objection notice or proposed order.
- If you wish to include any other documents along with the transfer of claim, these must be added as a separate PDF using the Attachments option when uploading the transfer of claim PDF. The transfer of claim PDF must be a single page only.
- Transfer of Claim must be signed by the filing party.
- The document must specify which claim is being transferred, using the Court claim number (this can be located in CM/ECF by going to Reports > Claims Register).
Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Log into CM/ECF.
2. Select Bankruptcy > Claims > Claim Events.
3. Enter case number (in the format xx-xxxxx) and click Next.
4. Select Transfer of Claim from the event list and click Next.
5. Check box if jointly filing with another attorney, click Next. If jointly filing, select additional attorneys, click Next.
6. Select the party filer. If the party is not listed, or cannot be selected, view instructions on adding a new party. Click Next.
Note: The "Attorney/Party Association” screen may appear. If your party selection was correct, check the box to create an association and click Next.
7. Browse to attach the document to be filed (pdf file). Click Next.
8. Filing fee amount is displayed. Click Next.
9. Consolidated cases only: The transfer of claim must be filed in the lead case, but the claim being transferred may have been filed in a member case.
- If this is so, choose No and click Next, then enter the requested transfer information and click Next, then skip to step 15.
- If the claim being transferred is in the lead case, choose Yes then click Next.
Cases with claims agents only: Enter the requested transfer information and click Next, then skip to step 15.
10. Click the Search Creditors button to locate the transferee (the party receiving the claim).
11. If the transferee is listed with the correct address: Click to select it then click Select.
If not listed, or listed with an incorrect address:
a. Click Close
b. Click Add New Creditor
c. Type the name and address of the transferee into the text box then click Submit.
12. Click the Search Creditors button to locate the transferor (the party from whom the claim is being transferred).
13. Click to select the party who currently holds the claim (be sure to select the one with the correct address if there is more than one record for the creditor) then click Select.
14. If there is no claim associated with the record you selected, a list of all claims filed on the case is displayed. Select the claim that is being transferred.
15. If all the information displayed is correct, click Next. If a correction needs to be made, click Clear to start over.
16. Verify the final docket text; if correct, click Next.
17. Click Next to submit your document(s).
Note: The Notice of Electronic Filing displays giving you the document number. Copies of this notice are immediately e-mailed to all participants who receive electronic notification in the case.