I hereby certify that on [date], a copy of the foregoing [name of document] was filed electronically. Notice of this filing will be sent to the following parties through the Court's Electronic Case Filing System. Parties may access this filing through the Court's system.
[List parties receiving service electronically with e-mail address]
Name of Receiving Party
E-Mail Address
I further certify that on [date], a copy of the foregoing [name of document] was mailed by first-class U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, and properly addressed to the following:
[List parties receiving traditional service with postal address]
Name of Receiving Party
Postal Address
City, State, ZIP Code
/s/ [Typewritten Name of E-Filer]
Name of E-Filer*
*If Certificate is filed separately from main document, entire signature block of e-filer must be present.