By participating in the Electronic Case Filing System, attorney e-filers consent to the electronic service of documents and agree to make e-mail addresses available for service. Upon the filing of a document, an e-mail message will be automatically generated by the Electronic Case Filing System and sent via electronic mail to the e-mail addresses of all attorneys who have appeared in the case. The Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) will contain a document hyperlink which will provide recipients with one “free look” at the electronically filed document. Recipients are encouraged to print and/or save a copy of the document during the “free look” to avoid incurring PACER charges for future viewings of the document. It is the responsibility of the e-filer to traditionally serve all parties who do not receive electronic service (the identity of these parties will be indicated at the bottom of the NEF receipt generated by the ECF System). In addition to receiving e-mail notifications of filing activity, attorneys are strongly encouraged to sign onto the PACER System at regular intervals to check the dockets in their cases.
A certificate of service must be included with all documents filed electronically as to which service is required. Such certificate shall indicate that service was accomplished pursuant to the Court's electronic filing procedures. Although documents filed electronically are served on all attorney e-filers, parties served electronically should still be listed on the Certificate of Service. [See Sealed Cases and Documents for special instructions on service.] A form Certificate of Service is available at Appendix B.
History of Changes
02/01/2012 - Clarified what must be listed on a Certificate of Service. Removed reference to sealed documents and service of a summons. Added a link to "Sealed Cases and Documents" in Attorney and Court User manuals.
04/11/2014 - Clarified the difference between service of electronically filed documents on attorneys as opposed to limited users and made those paragraphs specific for attorneys and limited users. Revised the wording for who should be listed on the Certificate of Service.