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·     Non-Electronic Submission

Parties who are not required or authorized to be e-filers shall provide one copy of the proposed order on paper [See Appendix C for Order format.]

·     Signed Orders

All orders shall be signed electronically.  Any docketed order or other court-issued document has the same force and effect as if the Judge or the Clerk had signed a paper copy. 

·     Distribution

Parties are responsible for ensuring that any order (even if distributed by the Clerk) is sent to the proper entities.  Service of an order can be determined by looking at the Bankruptcy Noticing Center (BNC) Certificate of Service, which appears on the docket approximately three days after filing.

History of Changes

02/01/2011 - Revised the "Signed Orders" paragraph for clarity.

11/18/2011 - Updated link for Order Upload in 'Procedures Manual.'