The expiration of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Declaration brought to an end the temporary expanded use of video and teleconferencing technologies authorized by the Judicial Conference of the United States (“Conference”). The Conference did, however, approve a 120-day grace period, through September 21, 2023, during which courts may continue to permit remote audio access in civil and bankruptcy proceedings.
In accordance with the Temporary Amendment to Allow Audio-Only Remote Public Access to Civil and Bankruptcy Proceedings issued by the Judicial Council of the Seventh Judicial Circuit of the United States, which adopted the Conference’s grace period, effective immediately, the Court revises its use of for hearings and trials as follows:
Zoom Video: Participation by video is limited to parties, counsel of record (see S.D. Ind. L.R. 9010-1, Appearances), and witnesses.
Zoom Audio: Any other individual who wishes to listen to a hearing or trial is only permitted to do so by telephone.
Zoom Audio and Zoom Video information will be provided within docket text for each matter in which will be used and can be found under the Communication & Courtroom Procedures section for each judge on the Court’s website.