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Order upload

Upload an Order

Note: All orders must be formatted in accordance with the court's guidelines.

1. If you have just filed a Motion, click the Single Order Upload link displayed on the confirmation screen. Note that the Single Order Upload link is not displayed if a proposed order is not required for the type of motion you have just filed. The court will prepare the order.


2. Enter case number (in the format xx-xxxxx).

3. Check the box if you are uploading a wage assignment order (do not check the box if you are uploading an amended wage assignment order or an order terminating wage assignment). Click Next.

4. Enter related document number. Click Next (this step is skipped if you indicated in step 2 that you are uploading a wage assignment order).


  • If you don't know the related document number, click Next, then click Next at the category selection screen (leave all the categories selected). Select the docket entry to which your order relates and click Next.
  • If the following message is displayed: Order uploads are not allowed for this event, a proposed order is not required for the type of motion you selected above. The court will prepare the order.

5. Click Next.

6. Browse to select your order (pdf file) and click Next