Format for Electronic Filings

Electronically filed documents must meet the requirements of Fed.R.Bankr.P. 9004 (General Requirements of Form); Fed.R.Bankr.P. 9009 (Forms); Fed.R.Bankr.P. 9013 (Motions:  Form and Service); Fed.R.Bankr.P. 7003 (Commencement of Adversary Proceeding); and Local Rule B-5005-1 (Filing of Papers), as if they had been submitted on paper.  Documents filed electronically are also subject to any page limitations set forth by Court Order or Local Rule as applicable.

To facilitate document retrieval for users who are accessing the system, documents may not exceed an electronic file size of 35.0 megabytes (MB). What is Too Big? To electronically file a document or attachment that exceeds 35.0 MB, the document must first be broken down into two or more smaller files.  For example, if Exhibit A is a 36.0 MB PDF, it should be divided into two equal parts prior to electronic filing.  

Any document filed should fit on an 8.5 x 11 inch page (if printed), single-sided, so as to not adversely impact the noticing process of the Bankruptcy Noticing Center.  All pleadings and other filings (including motions, briefs, and proposed orders) must be in PDF format.  The e-filer is responsible for reviewing all PDF documents for legibility before submission.

History of Changes

02/01/2011 - Added a pop-up to "What is too big?"  Made the paragraph concerning 'memoranda and briefs in support of a motion' into a pop-up.  Revised last paragraph for clarity.

07/01/2013 - Added direct links to Local Rule 5005-1 and 9013-1 in 'What about memoranda or briefs in support of a motion?'

02/06/2014 -  Increase PDF file size from 5 MB to 10 MB.

04/11/2014 - Removed reference to a dial-up connection since the 5.0 MB requirement applies all users.

06/06/2017 - Change PDF size from 10MB to 35MB.

What is Too Big?

ECF will reject any individual PDF larger than 35.0 megabytes (35,000 KB).  Note that your combined file size is unlimited if submitting multiple filings, but you may run into problems transferring huge amounts of data.

Word processing documents converted/published to PDFs rarely exceed 35.0 MB.  Scanned documets (as opposed to converted/published documents) can be problematic since scanning creates a MUCH larger file size for the same number of pages.  There is no way to tell exactly how many pages you can get into a file under 35.0 MB when scanning, but here are some expamples:

100 pages converted/published to PDF may be only 1.5 MB.
100 pages scanned to PDF at a high resolution may be 18.0 MB!
100 pages scanned to PDF at a low resolution may be only 3.0 MB.

When testing here at the Court, we were able to scan approximately 80-100 pages into a 3.0 MB PDF using the lowest resolution.

You must consult your scanner's documentation or the manufacturer's website/helpdesk for assistance in using your scanner.  The Clerk's Office has no information concerning your scanner.

History of Changes

02/06/2014 - Increase PDF file size from 5 MB to 10 MB.

04/11/2014 - Very minor revision to PDF references.

06/06/2017 - Change PDF filed size from 10MB to 35MB.