Adding a new party to an adversary proceeding

Adding a new party to an adversary proceeding

1. Complete all applicable fields on Plaintiff Information or Defendant Information screen.

2. To add an alias:

  1. Click Alias.
  2. Enter Last/ Business name, First Name, Middle Name and Generation.
  3. Select Role from drop down list (ex. aka, dba, fdba, fka).
  4. Repeat as necessary.
  5. Click Add Alias to submit.

3. To add a corporate parent/affiliate:

  1. Click Corporate Parent / affiliate.
  2. Complete Business Name search field, click Search.
  3. Click Create New Corporate Parent / affiliate.
  4. Select from the drop-down box whether party is a corporate parent or affiliate.
  5. Click Add Corporate Parent / affiliate.

4. Click Review to verify all party information.

5. Click Return to Party Screen.