Official Procedure Last Change August 22, 2017
Bankruptcy Pro Bono panel
General information
The judges of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Indiana have created a Bankruptcy Pro Bono Panel as a resource to assist parties involved in bankruptcy matters when 1) a pro se party is involved in a bankruptcy matter 2) the party cannot afford legal representation and 3) the judge determines that it is in the best interest of the bankruptcy system to involve a volunteer attorney to assist the party in addressing and resolving the matter.
The Bankruptcy Pro Bono Panel is only available by judicial referral or by the pro bono clerk. A party cannot seek out an application on their own. Applications are available only after a judge or the pro bono clerk offers one to the party.
Prospective debtors who have not as yet filed bankruptcy may use the court's online request for free or low cost legal help to see if such assistance may be available to them.
Volunteer attorneys
Attorneys who are admitted to practice in the Southern District of Indiana are eligible to volunteer to serve on the Bankruptcy Pro Bono Panel. Download volunteer registrations form